The Free Dictionary defines a sign as "something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality."
I have my own personal definition of the word. A sign is a conveyor of information. It's a beacon of truth in the sea of reality. Signs provide us with direction and guidance throughout our travels in life and help us to best understand the terms and conditions of our journey. It is the sign that allows us to steer clear of certain things that may cause us trouble and misfortune OR conversely send us en route to clarity and progress toward our goals and objectives.
Signs have a great purpose in society as an agent of information to people that identify with them to conduct themselves accordingly or simply best understand their environment, but as the times change and the environment is altered, the overall importance of certain signs diminishes. While these signs might have held significance and pertinence in yesteryear, their relevance is now obsolete or unnecessary altogether.
Here are a few examples of signs that are going extinct
and the signs that are being born as a result:

This hand sign - once a sign of good luck - is now seen as a symbol of ROCK N ROLL!
When I was in middle school, my parents got us hooked up to America Online, otherwise known as AOL. It was great because it was a new and fresh way of communicating with new people and keeping in touch with friends and family. Do you remember chat rooms? I get a laugh out of it now, because so much has changed...
Last year, Facebook beat out Google as the #1 most visited place on the world wide web. AOL is not the place to go for social networking anymore. Facebook is the only friend you need for that.
I'd imagine that as time goes on, signs will continue to change as necessary. One thing is for sure though. As long as people need information, signs will be EVERYWHERE.
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